This came to my attention through Curbed.com this morning. It's a video rendition of Downtown Brooklyn by 2012. I can't believe they got Sir Ian McKellen to do the voice over work on this one. That must hve cost some dough. Watch and enjoy.
This blog is for owners or people who'd like to be owners at the Belltel Lofts at 365 Bridge Street Downtown Brooklyn. Also, anyone wanting to discuss Downtown Brooklyn in general.
Sir Ian McKellen was doing work at the BAM and did the voice over for free.
Snip from NY Post.
In his video narrative, international theater and film star Ian McKellen says "visitors will cross the Manhattan Bridge to explore an exciting world of new restaurants, hotels and cultural venues."
McKellen did the voice-over for free while starring in a production of Shakespeare's "King Lear" earlier this year at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, whose planned $500 million cultural district is featured prominently in both the new video and renderings produced by Manhattan-based Animation + Images.
Thanks for the info. That makes perfect sense.
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