Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Talk of public toilets on Fulton Mall and streetscape of Flatbush Ave


Anonymous said...

[Engine Joe]: There aren't a lot of public toilets anywhere in New York City, are there? I don't know of many on the streets of Soho, or Times Square, even.

Please. This is just weird.

(On an unrelated note, we signed and sent in our contract today, so barring a surprise, we're joining you on the 4th floor)

guyfromdobro said...

Re: Public toilets.
I guess the city is afraid that it will become a place for the homeless to sleep or eventually be a place for people to do drugs. I think that there should be a law that encourages the retail establishments to provide public facilities. I haven't ironed out the specifics on this idea but it's a start.

RE: unrelated note
Welcome to the 4th floor family. Hope to be in there sooner then later. I can't wait to have an opportunity to buy new furniture.